Blogger Recognition Award


Thank you so much Saba Niaz Siddique for nominating me- Blogger Recognition Award!, this is the first time I received this kind of honour, and I’m sure you will forgive me for the delayed response; it has been such a pleasure knowing you, you’re bright and an amazing kind friend and I always look forward to seeing your posts

Please check out Saba Niaz Siddique blog as she has so many interesting and inspiring topics including poems!

How I Started Blogging

I started blogging because my boss asks me “Do you know how to use a blog or website?” I had no experience of blogging whatsoever at that time, so I was curious and search on the internet to learn, and I find WordPress in google, I also wanted to keep my written material as I have always enjoyed writing fantasy stories for my younger sister in my drawing book and I decided to have a blog and share my first Novel Story of Sky Fantasy Bl” with you

Advice For New Bloggers

# Don’t give up even if stats are slow and hard to get views/likes/follows just post what you like and enjoy, try to post regularly and stay active your blog will grow.

# See your blog as your best friend that you can share your everything.

The Rules: Thank the nominator, and publish a post on your blog about receiving the Blogger

Recognition Award: Make sure to provide a link to the nominator’s blog in your post. Give a brief story of how your blog started. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers. Nominate other bloggers for this award, and inform them of their nomination.

My Nominees:

55 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. (ô‿ô)


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